Sunday, March 13, 2011

The format

So basically I will start my book chat with a non-spoiling simple review of my general impression of the book and whether I would recommend others read it. After that I will get into the nitty gritty spoilers part of the chat where I will talk about plot, characters and thoughts.

Friday, March 4, 2011

A passion for reading

I have always had a passion for reading. As a child I was very angry when my mother made a rule that I was not allowed to read at the table while eating. What cruelty! Forced to interact with real people instead of living in my book world? This was probably a healthy boundary that my mother set but the fact remains that I would have read at all times if I had been allowed.

Now as an adult I hear about these bookclubs that people belong to and I am overcome with jealousy. I want to talk about books with other people and hear their opinions.... or maybe I just want to share my opinion. Unfortunately no one else I know is really interested in this. Nor does anyone else I know ready several books a week like I do.

I enjoy typing and I enjoy talking about books so what better place to share my thoughts than in a blog.